
Sound Off: Ingredients of a Good Play

What are the ingredients of a good play? How should they be put together?

Give us your recipes in the comments!


Grace said...

1 lb intensity (drama or comedy)
1 original storyline (twist a couple times to enhance the texture)
2 cups blocking
10 lbs teamwork
3 walls (4th optional)

Add lighting and sound effects intermittently for more intense flavor. Stuff characters with personality to make them 3D.

Repeat for musicals, but add 5 lbs of music, vocals and choreography.

Mix ingredients well and place onstage.

Desmond said...

Recipe for a Musical:

1 cup of conversational dialogue
3/4 tablespoon of simple but attractive staging
A sprinkle of talent
1/2 cup of imagination

Directions: Combine and stir until blended perfectly. Put in the oven and let it sizzle until it's to your liking.

Serving: Any amount.

Unknown said...

Heh. Very witty comments guys! But hmm define intensity, Grace.

And I think all ingredients need to marinade in some dedication :].