The Girl in The Park is a play performed by an intimate cast of four, who perhaps are a little too intimate.
The play revolves around the twisted, romantic lives of these four people. Allan is forced to encounter the Girl in the Park, but ends up kissing her, then confessing the kiss to his wife, Hannah. However, Hannah also has a secret - she's been sleeping with his brother, Will. When Allan moves out to pursue a relationship with the Girl, she repeatedly warns him that she is nothing but trouble, yet Allan jumps to take that risk. The Girl never truly reveals her name to the audience.

Allan's life is never the same after the kiss. Through the twists and the complications, this play has a simple message: one moment can completely change the status quo.
Overall, I have mixed feelings about this play. Each individual scene was humorous and very well-acted. However, each scene was not in chronological order and switched back and forth from "three months earlier" or "later on that night". The show is difficult to follow and the audience is forced to put the pieces together.
The show ends three months in the past and leaves the ending open to interpretation. The playwright had a unique concept pertaining to the personality of each character, but the play simply needed straight-forward closure.
Schedule and ticket information here.
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