
Avenue Q

By Sarah Schlesinger

What if...you couldn’t find your purpose?

Avenue Q is a funny, thought-provoking musical. The cast includes humans and puppets who live and work together. This seemingly childlike puppet world is filled with the problems and practicalities of adulthood. The puppets and their human friends all attempt to follow their dreams and to find their life purposes. Some characters have knowledge of their dreams, but are unable to attain them, while others seek to understand themselves and who they want to become. The characters are lovable and are very easy to connect to.

The audience has a full view of the actors who control the puppets as they perform onstage with their smaller counterparts, but this does not take away from the show. Instead, it adds to the performance as the puppet and the actor contribute to the depth of the overall character in ways neither could manage alone. The facial expressions and body movements of the actor contribute to the physicality of the puppets and the puppets bring the world of Avenue Q to life.

The musical is based on the style of Sesame Street, even using two televisions on the sides of the stage to play the show’s opening theme and to emphasize certain points with cartoons. Despite this, Avenue Q is not appropriate for children.

With songs that are funny, frank and extremely catchy, I highly recommend Avenue Q to teenagers.

HOW TO SEE THE SHOW:  $26.50 rush tickets • New World Stages, Stage 3, 340 W. 50th St.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the Sesame Street holiday special aired recently. There was a part when a puppet who looked a lot like Ben Stiller almost said "hell" or something at the end of sentence, and the puppet next to him stooped him with "THIS IS FAMILY PROGRAMMING!"---well then, why have the scene there in the first place?

-good review, though. I'm really looking forward to seeing this.

Unknown said...

I'm curious to know whether the change from Broadway to Off-Broadway helped or hurt the show. Or did it make a difference? Does it work better in a more intimate setting? What do you guys think?

Monikha R. said...

I've always heard raves and grand reviews for "Avenue Q" but it wasn't until now I stopped and listened to one of them. This play seems to be something everyone can relate to, even if the puppets remind the viewer of Sesame Street. And since the puppets aren't real, it must be hilarious to watch them interact with the actors!